Hike to Uranostind - The Pride of Jotunheimen!
Hike to Uranostind - The Pride of Jotunheimen!
The iconic Uranostind lies at 2,157 m.a.s.l. This demanding 10-11 hour hike is great for experienced hikers. The hike will take you past Urdadalsvannet on the way to Koldedalen. Once you reach the Glacier there will be a short change of equipment before the hike continues to Uraknatten and the climb to Uranostind. The trek takes you over crevasses, and you will do some easy climbing and then crawl out on the top ridge and admire the spectacular view from the summit. The weather at high altitudes in Norway can change quickly, and snowstorms can happen every month of the summer. The hike is long, but the spectacular view at the summit is well worth the trip.
Interactive map of Uranostind
Difficulty: Difficult
Time: 9-12 hour(s)
Distance: 17 kilometers
Elevation at peak: 2157 meters
Ascent height: 1050 meters
Descent height: 1050 meters
Uranostind rises majestically in the southern part of Jotunheimen, and it is the highest summit on a several kilometre-long and sharp mountain ridge. It's recognisable for its sharp peak, that during winter is covered with beautiful white snow. The views from such an isolated and dominating summit are spectacular and unique; the hike offers views over the entire Jotunheimen, including Hurungane in the West, Uradalen in the North. To access the peak the route takes you over the glacier Uranosbreen, located East of the Mountain ridge.
The most popular version of this hike is to follow the route that crosses the Uranosbreen glacier. Starting from Koldedalen, you'll walk 3.5 km heading north towards the glacier. Once you reach the Glacier there will be a short change of equipment before the hike continues to Uraknatten and the climb to Uranostind. The trek takes you over crevasses, and you will do some easy climbing and then crawl out on the top ridge and admire the spectacular view from the summit.
This hike should not be attempted without the support from a certified guide!
The team William C. Slingsby, Emanuel M. Mohn and Knut Lykken made the first ascent in 1876. Slingsby was a well-travelled and very experienced British alpinist and mountaineer who, together with Mohn and the local farmer, reindeer hunter and mountaineer, Lykken, decided to conquer some of the toughest peaks in Jotunheimen. Uranostind was the fourth first ascent the trio did that summer. Slingsby wrote about the ascents in "Norway, the northern playground". He emphasises how impressed he was with Lykken's natural agility and how he was able to find his feet down the glaciers.
The hike offers views over the entire Jotunheimen, including Hurungane in the West, Uradalen in the North and South towards Kvitevatnet and Tyin. East of the ridge lies the largest ice field in this part of Jotunheimen. It consists of three glaciers; Uransbreen, Mjølkedalsbreen and Skogadalsbreen. Together, the three glaciers cover more than 7 square km.
This hike is challenging and only suitable for those in good physical shape with previous experience for similar activities.
The main season is summer/late summer as this is when the area is most suitable for trekking.
Stay at Fondsbu DNT which is located by the shore of Bygdin Lake.
You can access the area by catching the M/B Bitihorn ferry from Bygdin (the place), and hopping off at Eidsbugarden.
Uranostind (2,157 m.a.s.l) is an iconic mountain and is often referred to as the most beautiful mountain in Jotunheimen. This guided hike over 8 - 10 hours, is a very varied tour where you will cross a glacier and climb Uranostinden. The hike is demanding and suitable only for experienced hikers in good physical condition.
DURATION: 13 hour